The journey begins...Heading to college is a scary and exciting time! Whether you're in your first year or last, everyone needs community and meaningful relationships with others. This is especially true if you're a Christian seeking support in your faith or if you're just beginning to look into the Christian life and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
The Association of College Ministries is a network of exactly that - communities of people on college campuses who support each other in their faith and in learning what it is to follow Jesus. So take a look around. Browse through the resources and campus ministries here. Maybe we'll run into you at the Union or Quad someday! |
We have ministries on campuses across the nation and around the globe. Find a ministry near you to get involved in!
Whether you're a student or campus minister, we host events to foster spiritual growth, networking, and resource-sharing.
Get in touch with the ACM! Use this handy contact form to send a message along to us.